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COSROCS Regular Events (Rocktivities)

• Sport Launch - We host a free public launch in collaboration with the Challenger Learning Center on the second Saturday of each month.

• Sport Launch - We host a free public launch by invitation of the land owner at "Long View Ranch" in Peyton, CO, typically on the fourth Saturday of the month. FAR 101.22 rules apply - max 1500g liftoff weight, 125g propellant weight.

Please Note: Each COSROCS launch is individually and explicitly announced; be sure to check this web site's Home Page or the COSROCS Discussion Group for an announcement before proceeding to a launch site.

• Monthly Business Meeting - We meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month, 6:30PM to 8:00PM at the Falcon Police Station (Chapel Hills Mall vicinity). Not just a business meeting, but an opportunity to discuss and share individual projects, current aerospace industry events, and upcoming club activities. Everyone is welcome.

Schedules for other Colorado clubs are provided as a courtesy. Please check their web sites for any last minute changes.

Directions to the Peyton Launch site

peyton map

Click here for a Google Maps link to Long View Ranch.

Travel east on Highway 24 to the town of Peyton. Turn left (north) at the small grocery store, and travel 2.5 miles to Sweet Road. Turn right (east) on Sweet Road, and travel 2.5 miles to the Preble Ranch entrance. The address is 21410; look for a green ranch gate on the left with an airplane propeller suspended over it.
This area is only open when COSROCS is having a Launch. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS!

Directions to the COSROCS meeting site

The Falcon CSPD station is at 7850 Goddard St, just west of Chapel Hills Mall. Go here for a Google Maps link to the station.

Directions to the SCORE launch site

First and third Saturday of each month. The S.C.O.R.E launch field offers a very large and well equipped area that allows for safe launches of the largest rockets even during the dry season. There is a vast open area for recovery, so whether your rocket is big or small you shouldn’t have a problem flying and recovering it.

The SCORE site has the ability to launch HIGH POWER Rockets, with the F.A.A. waiver to fly HIGH POWER Rockets and Model Rockets to 12000 Feet, weather permitting.

No charge for flying Model Rockets. There is a $5.00 charge for use of the high power launch site for non-SCORE members.

Hudson Ranch is located 9.5 miles west from the Walmart (at Pueblo Blvd.& Hwy.78) on Beulah Hwy. It is located on the right side coming from Pueblo.

Directions to the C.R.A.S.H. launch site

First Sunday and third Saturday each month. CRASH has a new launch site in Ft. Lupton, CO. Please check their website for directions.

Directions to the Hartsel Tripoli Colorado Launch Site

Variable dates, check the calendar on the web site. Start in Colorado Springs at I-25 and Highway 24 and head west. Pass through Woodland Park and pass through Divide. Go over Wilkerson Pass. As you come down the pass and reach the flat, look to your left and you will see a sign that reads "Chaparral Park General Store". Turn left (road #23). Turn right at the "T" (road #59). The paved road is now dirt. Pass the Chaparral Park General Store (on the right). Pass the junkyard and ranch house (on the right). Pass the abandoned house (on the right). You are almost there. Pass the Gravel Pit. The entrance is a gate on the right. Get out, open it up, drive through and re-close the gate. You should see people out setting up and preparing to launch Rockets. Pick the trail that leads out to the launch site and follow it.
This area is only open when Tripoli Colorado is having a Launch. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS!

Click here for a Google Maps link to the Tripoli Colorado Hartsel site.